

John Terry, the referee, has threatened to report controversial Ghanaian player Sulley

Muntari to the police for hitting him during a friendly match in Accra.

One week after the former AC Milan player is said to have thundered him with a heavy slap during a local friendly, the match official claims he is still experiencing some pain.

A friendly game between two teams featuring two of Ghana’s most well-known football players, Muntari and Laryea Kingston, had to be canceled, according to a report on Peace FM on Monday, after the player with numerous disciplinary issues launched his startling physical attack on the referee.

Locals in the Accra suburb of Kotobabi booed the former AC Milan and Inter Milan player after he slapped the referee in the face and kicked the ball out of play for a card shown him.

When referee John Terry gave Muntari the yellow card for an infraction, the player—who has had multiple disciplinary issues with clubs and the Black Stars—took the ugly side of his personality to the streets.

Muntari, not happy with the referee’s call, sprang forward like a baboon, slapping him in the face and then kicking the ball into the houses nearby in a shocking and shameful outburst of rage.

The players had to console the referee during the game because older fans were jeering Muntari and children were cheering. They were shocked by the behavior of the international football star.

The match ended abruptly due to the temperamental star’s attack, but Laryea Kingston, Muntari’s friend, disputes that a slap occurred.

The referee, who was incensed by Kingston’s denial and was present during the match, has now threatened to file a lawsuit accusing Muntari of assault.

“I have not dropped the case. I will pursue the matter to its logical conclusion with the authorities,” referee Terry told Peace FM.

The match official claimed that Kingston had to plead with the referee not to take revenge since the community had urged him to exact revenge on Muntari, who is notorious for his behavior issues.

John Terry, the referee, recounted how Sulley Muntari slapped him, abruptly ending a friendly game that the residents had been waiting for.

When Sulley Muntari XI and Laryea Kingston XI played a friendly at the Kotobabi Wembley in Accra, referee John Terry stopped the game and decided to replay it as fair-play in favor of Sulley’s side because there was a small infringement that I did not see earlier.

“Unfortunately, I gave Sully a yellow card on the field of play because he grabbed the ball with both hands. He immediately came to slap my face because he was upset, and after I showed him the red card, he took the ball and moved it off the field of play.

“The players nearby could not do anything because they were all equally surprised,” I said, surprised as well.

“When that happened, players of both sides talked to me not to retaliate and forget. When Laryea Kingston told me to let go, I did so right then.

Muntari was sacked in disgrace at the 2014 World Cup for his physical attack on a management member of the Ghana national team at the tournament in Brazil.

In addition, he had disciplinary issues with teammates and rivals at the club level, which led to his expulsion from Ghana’s Olympic team in Athens.

Although Muntari recently received support for some racist abuse he endured, his behavior in Kotobabi will undoubtedly reflect poorly on him.

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