Breaking News: Vols Head coach Signed A Divorce Later With His Wife due to………


Tyler Summitt, the head coach of Louisiana Tech’s women’s basketball team, resigned in disgrace five years ago, and on Thursday, he will be with the lady who was at the center of the scandal that took him down.

Summitt was having an adulterous relationship with Brooklyn Pumroy, the team’s leading point guard.They are now married and reside in London, Ohio, on the banks of Choctaw Lake with their 2-year-old son, Breck.

Summitt told USA TODAY Sports, “I believe we really just try to keep asking for forgiveness.” “The shame still aches,”

Summitt, 30, divorced his first spouse in 2016 following the scandal’s public revelation. For Pat Summitt’s only child—possibly the best coach in women’s college basketball history—it was a public humiliation.

Tyler Summitt attended the majority of Pat Summitt’s eight national championship games at Tennessee. He also assisted in managing his mother’s medical care following her 2011 diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, which resulted in her having to retire at the age of 59.

About two months after Summitt’s resignation from Louisiana Tech, she passed away.

Summitt remarked, “That year is really still a haze for me.” “I went to multiple therapists to help me deal with everything, including Mom’s passing and Louisiana Tech.

“Even now, when I reflect, I still feel things. Thus, I’m not sure if I’ve understood it all.

In 2018, he tied the knot with Pumroy, the year their son was born. Summitt added that they will spend a portion of the evening together, as they have for the past few years, five years after he resigned.

“We study the Bible,” he remarked. It’s known as “faith time.”

According to Summitt, the couple frequently discusses the controversy that rocked Louisiana Tech basketball during their times of prayer.

“I detest that I wounded so many people, and I regret my actions and decisions,” he remarked. However, I adore Brooke. Breck is my favorite. We cherish our existence.”

They reside in a $380,000 home that Summitt purchased in 2017 with four bedrooms and four bathrooms. After Summitt’s first marriage ended in divorce that year, the pair relocated from Knoxville, Tennessee, where Summitt was raised, to the Ohio region, home of Pumroy’s family.

Summitt stated that most days they fish off their dock or go on the 2007 MasterCraft boat his mother got him, unless it’s raining or the lake is frozen.

But Summitt is never one to stay off the field, rain or shine.

His first season at Louisiana Tech, when he was hired at the age of 23, saw the club finish 16–15 following two consecutive losing campaigns prior to his arrival. The squad was 12-9 (7-3 in Conference USA) in his second season when the club’s losses in the previous nine games were attributed to growing rumors of an affair.

Since his resignation, he has not coached, and he says this is his decision.

The 30-31-year-old Summitt stated, “I don’t see coaching as a profession.” at Louisiana Tech. “I did once.” Being a coach for as long as possible used to be my only goal. Not any longer.”

However, the incident has caused a stir.

2019 saw the wife of the man get a job as head coach at Fairborn High School, which is close to their Ohio home. She was cited as suggesting that Summitt would be one of her assistant coaches in a news release.

After the backlash, Summitt never applied for the coaching position with the Fairborn City Board of Education.

Summitt’s father, R.B. Summitt, stated, “The high school received harsh criticism for even bringing up his name in connection with a females high school team.”

Basketball isn’t necessary for Tyler Summitt to make ends meet.

Tyler Summitt confirmed that his mother named him as the beneficiary of her state pension before she passed away, which will provide him with more than $173,000 year for the remainder of his life.

Summitt claimed he doesn’t have a full-time job and instead spends most of his time with his wife and kid, volunteering for The Pat Summitt Foundation and other causes that fight Alzheimer’s, and looking into technology-related business ventures.

“I spend a lot of my days spending time alone with Brooke, Breck, or the three of us and our two dogs,” he remarked. “Putting family first was a major departure from college coaching, and that’s a lot of it. Not that college coaches aren’t family-first; I’m not saying they’re all workaholics or anything. But maintaining equilibrium is difficult.

“I believe that having Breck in particular and not coaching helped me realize how much work coaching requires.” Whenever I think about coaching, Breck interrupts me and says, “Daddy, Daddy,” That’s all there is to it. The idea of coaching once more fades.

Instead of attempting to emulate his mother’s achievements—she was elected into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 2010—Tyler Summitt assists his wife by putting in lunch orders for the Fairborn High girls team or washing jerseys.

“I genuinely assist her in every way she requests it,” he remarked. “I don’t think coaching is a profession. I did once. I used to only want to work as a coach for as long as possible. Not any longer.”

For this piece, Brooklyn declined to be interviewed.

“She finds it hard to discuss the past,” Summitt remarked.

“People were attempting to engage in combat.”

When they first crossed paths in 2012 at Marquette, Pumroy was a freshman guard and Summitt was a first-year assistant coach. After two years, Pumroy and guard Ashley Santos relocated to Louisiana Tech, where Summitt was appointed head coach.

Rumors circulated around the time of Summitt’s resignation suggesting he had an affair with one of his players, with speculation centered on Pumroy and Santos. Santos responded by sharing a picture of herself online that showed off her nude stomach and made it obvious that she was not pregnant.

The fact that Pumroy was Summitt’s mistress eventually came to light. Summitt refuted reports that Pumroy was pregnant at the time in an interview with USA TODAY Sports.

“People believed that we had a child in 2016.” Absolutely untrue, he said. “Many believed that Brooke and I were romantically involved while attending Marquette University. Completely untrue. There were rumors that other players were having sex with Summitt. No, that is untrue.

According to Summitt, the romance began just before the 2015–16 season. He described the season as “a fog” and provided no further information. However, some athletes still remember things from the season.

Before the season began in October, Rochelle Vasquez, a junior guard and Pumroy’s roommate at the time, claimed that Tommy McClelland, the athletic director at the time, was one of a few school officials who jointly questioned her about the alleged affair.

Through an official at Vanderbilt, McClelland declined to comment. McClelland is currently employed there. Requests for comment from Louisiana Tech were not answered.

According to Vasquez and Brandi Wingate, the team’s top scorer and rebounder that year, Pumroy told them during the season that she was having an affair with Summitt, but they chose not to tell their teammates.

However, later in the season, speculation about Summitt’s alleged partiality of Pumroy caused rifts within the team, according to Vasquez and Wingate.

Wingate stated, “People were attempting to fight each other.” Individuals were leaping into one another’s faces.

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