New York Yankee Oscar Gonzalez fractures right orbital after fouling ball into his own face

New York Yankees outfielder Oscar Gonzalez suffered a right orbital fracture in Monday night’s exhibition game in Mexico City.

Yankees Player Oscar Gonzalez Breaks Eye Socket During Game

In the second inning, a fouled ball ricocheted off the handle of his bat and struck Gonzalez directly in the face, the play-by-play commentator described.

Gonzalez fell to the ground for several moments. He managed to stand up under his own power before being carted off the field

Gonzalez was transferred to ABC Medical Center after receiving treatment at Alfredo Harp Helú Stadium for a contusion to his right eye..

The Yankees injury report states that he will stay in the hospital overnight for observation and rest. While the rest of the team heads for Houston, a Double-A trainer will remain behind.

How long Gonzalez will be out of commission is unknown. The Yankees had moved him to the minor league camp earlier in the day, so he was not a candidate for the Opening Day roster.